Memorial Scholarships

Dr. Mark Goulston

“Mark has a special place in my heart: a man who knew that private practice as a psychiatrist was not all that he could do, who knew he could lift up and heal the wider world, whether as an FBI hostage negotiator, or as an author, blog poster, speaker and great friend. Always there to be helpful, to open his contacts, to mentor, to whisper in the ear. I shall miss him greatly.

They say nobody truly dies until the passing of the last person who remembers him. I very much feel we all carry his bright torch into the darkness. An honor to have a bit of Mark to share.”

Peter Samuelson

“Mark was one of the most caring and thoughtful individuals I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.  He had so much wisdom and insight to share, but a conversation never ended without him purposefully pausing before squarely asking me how he could be of help.  What could he do for me.  By nature of just sharing his thoughts Mark was always helping.  His concepts of surgical empathy and radical attunement were borne out of his own empathetic and caring nature.  And sincere interest in helping whomever he was speaking with.  He was always listening and thinking and was never without a new thought or idea that he hoped would be useful. 

I will particularly miss getting emails out of the blue from him with a new suggestion or thought he had about one of our previous conversations.  Mark’s kindness and selflessness touched so many lives.  It is self-evident that he leaves behind a legacy that will continue to make a positive impact in the world.”

Melissa Ashley

“I connected with Mark relatively recently. Despite having just one in-depth conversation with him, I opened up parts of my life to him quickly based on his profound empathy.  Reflecting on my conversation, I’m profoundly moved by his deep understanding of human behavior and relationships. His concept of “surgical empathy,” delving into the soul to aid those in despair, resonated with me.

Mark emphasized direct communication and tackling conflict head-on. He offered a three-step approach to conflict resolution: first, truly listen to understand others; second, acknowledge their feelings and concerns; and finally, collaborate in problem-solving. His stories, whether of patients or personal experiences, highlighted empathy as a transformative tool–reminding me that virtually anyone is capable of positive change when “surgical empathy” is applied. Mark’s heart and generosity will be truly missed. Sending much love to all who mourn his passing.”

Aviva Legatt

Introducing the Mark Goulston Mentorship Scholarship

In the spirit of Dr. Mark Goulston’s profound legacy as a mentor, friend, and advocate for others, we are honored to announce the launch of the Mark Goulston Mentorship Scholarship. Mark was a beacon of inspiration, always ready to elevate, open doors, and offer unwavering support and advice to those around him.

This scholarship stands as a testament to Mark’s enduring commitment to mentorship, a value he cherished deeply. In his memory, we invite aspiring minds to share their stories of mentorship through our annual scholarship program, designed to recognize the transformative power of guidance and support.

📅 Application Details:

  • Submission Deadline: December 1st of each year
  • Award Date: January 1st of each year
  • Application Requirements: A 500-word essay about a mentor who significantly impacted your life. Describe their qualities, the ways in which they made a difference, and how their mentorship shaped your journey.
  • Eligibility: Open to students through university level

📝 Application Process:

To apply, submit your essay to We eagerly await stories of mentorship that reflect the depth and breadth of Mark’s own dedication to guiding and uplifting others.

💡 Award Details:

  • Scholarship Amount: $500 (with potential for a higher award based on support)
  • Recipient Announcement: January 1st of each year

Mark Goulston believed in the transformative power of mentorship, recognizing its ability to unlock potential and create lasting impact. This scholarship is not just a financial award; it’s a celebration of the mentors who light our paths and a commitment to fostering a culture of mentorship that endures.

🌈 Join us in Honoring Mark’s Legacy: As we embark on this annual journey of recognizing mentorship, we invite you to be a part of this inspiring initiative. Whether you are an applicant sharing your story or a supporter contributing to the scholarship fund, your involvement helps carry forward Mark Goulston’s passion for mentorship.

Let us come together to celebrate the mentors who shape our lives and, in doing so, contribute to a legacy that echoes Mark Goulston’s profound impact on the world.

🌟 Apply Today and Illuminate Your Mentor’s Impact! 🌟

Larry Heiser

Larry Heiser, who helped found The Mentor Project alongside his daughter Debbie, passed away on Friday, March 24th, 2023. The family has created a scholarship fund in honor of Larry’s love for art. This scholarship is awarded annually, in March.

In 2023 15 students from Shirati were awarded a scholarship to learn cartooning with Justin Thompson.

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