TMP Mentor Bob Cousins discusses the Innovation Lab

Innovation Lab

In an era where innovation and entrepreneurship are key drivers of economic growth and technological advancement, our Innovation Lab is committed to nurturing the creative and commercial potential of young students.

We aim to guide these aspiring innovators from idea generation to market success, focusing on practical application and business acumen rather than just patent acquisition.

Our Purpose

To empower young innovators and entrepreneurs by providing the tools, knowledge, and support necessary to transform their ideas into viable commercial products and services. Through mentorship, group collaboration, and practical business planning, we strive to convert creative concepts into tangible outcomes with market potential.

Our Aspiration

To become a leading catalyst in youth-driven innovation and entrepreneurship, helping shape the future by bringing groundbreaking technologies and business models to market. Our vision encompasses not only the nurturing of individual talent but also contributing to the broader entrepreneurial ecosystem.

Core Values

Empowerment and Education: Fostering an environment where young minds are empowered with the knowledge and skills to succeed in the innovation world.

Collaboration and Community: Promoting teamwork and shared learning experiences in one-on-one settings and group dynamics.

Practical Innovation: Prioritizing actionable innovations over theoretical inventions.

Responsiveness and Adaptability: Keeping abreast of changes in patent laws, market trends, and educational methodologies to provide relevant and efficient guidance.


  1. Enable at least 50% of participants to develop a market-viable product or service annually.
  2. Facilitate the filing of provisional patents where beneficial, streamlining the journey toward utility patents.
  3. Establish an alumni network and industry contacts to assist in mentoring and funding opportunities.
  4. Long term: Secure funding or sponsorship for at least 30% of viable projects within the first two years of inception.

Strategic Approach

Individualized Support: Providing comprehensive mentorship and guidance for each project, from conception to market entry.

Expert Knowledge Sharing: Organizing talks and workshops with experts on funding, VC rules, and market strategies.

Programs and Initiatives

Idea Fest & Hackathons: Hosting events for idea sharing, prototype development, and creative problem-solving.

Science/Makers Fairs: Participating in local school science fairs to showcase innovative projects and encourage public engagement.

TMP Podcast and Substack Connection: Utilizing media channels for broader outreach, sharing success stories and learning resources.

MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Development: Guiding students to create MVPs to validate their business ideas.

Resource Development for Mentors: Offering tools and techniques to communicate and guide mentees effectively.

High School Outreach: Tailoring information and resources to meet the unique needs and perspectives of high school students.

Innovation Lab Leadership Team

Bob Cousins | Co-Leader

Bob Cousins has worked with startups in both energy and computing for more than 40 years. Bob has served as CTO and/or Engineering VP of multiple technology companies from New York to California. He is an inventor and technologist, holding over thirty patents in diverse areas including filesystem design, data storage and security, high frequency RADAR, imaging and medical instrumentation, solar power, and virtual credit cards. Bob was selected as Inventor of the Year, 2020 by the Silicon Valley Intellectual Property Law Association He has also written three novels, Pipov, Miller’s Trials and Boxed In.

Bill Cheswick | Co-Leader

Gabriela Ewachiw | Project Manager

Gabriela Ewachiw is a dynamic and accomplished leader with a passion for project management and a commitment to raising awareness about the profound benefits of implementing project management principles. Gabriela possesses over 15 years of invaluable project management expertise spanning diverse industry sectors, including education, healthcare, semiconductors, and transportation. In addition to her illustrious professional journey, Gabriela is an active contributor to the community. Her involvement includes serving on the boards of various professional organizations, such as the Project Management Institute, International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), and Toastmasters International, where she has made a meaningful impact. Gabriela Ewachiw embodies the essence of a strategic and results-driven leader who continues to inspire and drive excellence in project management while making a significant difference in her community and beyond.

Samantha Stone | Project Coordinator

Our Innovation Lab is dedicated to making a meaningful impact in the lives of young entrepreneurs and the broader community. We are committed to evolving our strategies, embracing practical learning, and fostering a culture of dynamic, actionable innovation.


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