Research Group
Video credit: TMP Mentee Liam Weinberger
Engaging mentees in research
- Weekly meetings
- Helping develop research questions
- Reviewing abstracts and full manuscripts for study inclusion
- Data extraction
- Helping to develop themes from extracted data
- Creating tables and contributing to manuscript writing
Submitted Works
Wisdom, J.P., Morrow, C.D., & Heiser, D. (2024). The Mentor Project Research Department: Collaborative Development of Best Practices [Manuscript submitted for peer review]
Stone, S., Morrow, C.D., & Wisdom, J.P. (2024). Training Mentors: What Mentors Recommend for the Practice of Mentoring [Manuscript submitted for peer review]
Wisdom JP, Morrow CD, Greene J, Stone S, Domsky S, Heiser D. (under review). Perspectives of Mentors on Mentoring: Benefits and Challenges. Manuscript under review.
Current Research Department Activities: Systematic Review
- Using standard systematic review methods and with assistance of a research librarian, conduct a literature search to identify relevant abstracts (N=>3,000)
- Review abstracts then articles to identify articles that meet inclusion criteria
- Extract then analyze data to develop thematic description of the practice of mentoring and address research questions
Project Goals
- Project Goals
Clearer understanding of scope of current research on mentoring that can provide guidance for The Mentor Project™ - Mentoring students
Four scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals
Research Questions
- What motivates people to become mentors?
- What are the mentors’ experiences of mentoring?
- What do mentors actually do during mentoring?
- What are benefits and challenges of mentoring to the mentor?

Dr. Cynthia Drake Morrow

Dr. Jennifer Wisdom
Jennifer is a licensed and board-certified psychologist who now is an author, consultant, and speaker. She has worked with complex health care, government, and educational environments for 25 years, including serving in the U.S. military, working with non-profit service delivery programs, and as faculty in higher education. She works with nonprofit agencies, research institutions, and universities to help streamline healthcare services and demystify the grant proposal process.
Recent clients include National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, the Veterans Health Administration, University of California Los Angeles, and Columbia University. She has a PhD in Clinical Psychology from The George Washington University in Washington, DC, and a Master’s of Public Health in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, Oregon. She is an intrepid adventurer based in New York City and Portland, Oregon.