Romain Tohouri

Romain Tohouri, MSc., MD is an expert in the field of Health Informatics and ICTs for development. He has over 22 years of experience designing and developing health information systems and tools in more than 10 different countries. Starting in 2000, Dr Tohouri designed and implemented several innovative telemedicine information systems in Mali, worked from 2006 to 2010 as DHIS2 expert implementer for the University of Oslo HISP network and then joined JSI as the MEASURE Evaluation Senior Health Information System Advisor in Côte d’Ivoire. He is now leading the JSI Washington team of DHIS2 experts at the Center for Digital Health.
Dr Tohouri is the author of the ICT Infrastructure Assessment Tool developed under the MEASURE Evaluation project and used to assess health IT infrastructure at central and
decentralized level in Liberia, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Madagascar and Niger. He also led the development of the One Health Information Assessment Tool (OHIAT) and contributed to the development of key Global Good tools such as the HIS Interoperability Maturity Model and the PRISM assessment tool.

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