Gerry Riskin

Gerry Riskin, B. Com, LLB, P. Admin, is an internationally recognized lawyer, author and management consultant and founder of 39 year old Edge International. A graduate of commerce as well as law, he practiced since 1973 and was Managing Partner of a firm in Canada and Hong Kong. Gerry is author of The Successful Lawyer He has served the Conference Board of Canada and is a Visiting Fellow of The College of Law in London, a visiting lecturer at Fordham Law School in New York, a Fellow of the College of Law Practice Management and a Visiting Professor at the University of Pretoria in South Africa.

Gerry specializes in counseling law firm leaders and partners on issues ranging from leadership, management, and business development to client satisfaction.

Gerry has served clients in Canada, the USA, the UK, Europe, South Africa, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand and India. Gerry has resided in Anguilla, BWI for nearly 29 years.

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